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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Week One Totally Done #TR30Days Update

So, we've wrapped week one. Thought I'd just go down the list and update where I'm at. Had a couple of disappointments this week; inside and outside the list... but, overall? I'm okay with the progress I've made this year. Not sure what's up with the font colors on this one - but, can't really do anything about it.. sorry, folks!

Gratitude: "Gratitude is not only the Greatest of all virtues; but the parent of all the others." ~ Cicero(Ok, this 'bucket' was absolutely snagged from @Sexythinker, the talented Ms. Amanda Hite - but it's fantastic & absolutely fits with where I want my focus to remain!)

  • Make a point of reaching out and expressing gratitude to 1 person that has made a positive impact in my life each day. UPDATE: Done this, every day. It's kind of cool to see how such a little thing made a big impact. Looking forward to continuing this week two.

  • Start integrating gratitude as a prosocial behavioral motivator in my work UPDATE: Doing this genuinely takes thought - but, I've started with it.

  • Share 1 thing a day from the Encyclopedia of Gratitude & write about how it's positively affected my life - why I'm grateful for it, too! UPDATE: Did this 4 out of the 7 days - fell off the wagon on Friday. Can't decide if I want to post them daily or not; so they're hanging in 'drafts' right now... does anyone care one way or the other??

  • Pay it Backward - Reach out to one person that has 'paid it forward' with me and see how I can help them in return... then do it! UPDATE: Person Identified! :)

  • Make a point of working on repairing a couple of key relationships that I let lapse over the last year UPDATE: Okay, so I made good progress with one & that's awesome... but with the other I can't help but wonder if some relationships just are better left ... I don't know for sure; but there was negative movement there rather than positive & that is somewhat disconcerting.

  • Do something with 1-2 friends that I normally don't get time to go do things with - expand my social 'outings' outside of my norm so I can really get to better know and appreciate my friends/connections - going to try to schedule something once a week. UPDATE: Did this & made plans again for next week - it was so cool getting to just catch up & get to know someone that I wish I had taken more time with sooner! It's really fascinating to see how different people & friends can add this new dimension of perspective to our lives. Not to mention it was just keen fun!

  • Be open to dating - still not real hip on the thought of another serious relationship; but I guess they don't start there, do they?? :) So, I'm resolved to say 'Absolutely' to at least one invitation over the next 30 days. Still has to be with someone I'd WANT to go out with - I'm not going to just say 'sure' to anybody. Criteria should still apply, right??? :) UPDATE; So, have been asked out twice. Wasn't really interested in either but said we could hang as friends, if that worked? So, going to grab drinks/lunch with both over the next couple weeks. The dating thing is really low on the list of priorities - I'm mainly focused on just not being closed down to the idea.

  • Restart Champagne Thursdays with the local ladies! :D UPDATE: Was out of town this past Thursday; but did make plans for this next one! It's ON, friends!!

Giving Back- Volunteering/Altruism Project:

  • Complete the Natural Disaster Donation Project (1) by end of June. UPDATE: Drop-Off/Pick-Up 1 accomplished. Have 3 more before end of week. Holy cow, that's BUSY.

  • Start the "Altruism Adventure" with the girls - teaching the importance of altruism, demonstrate the principle in my own life & have the 3 of us perform 1 altruistic act a week. UPDATE: Haven't really made progress on this yet; didn't see the girls much last week.

  • Continue volunteer efforts - for this 30-days, want to include work with Attitudes & Attire. UPDATE: Contacted them to schedule time as a speaker.

  • Organize a suit drive for Attitudes & Attire. UPDATE: Started this; need to publicize this week for pick-up/drop-off week 4.

  • Find a workable date for the Blood Drive for Providence & continue to work towards facilitating/organizing that event. UPDATE: No progress on this. Evidently, the Provi-hood has a history of bad turnout with the Red Cross; so have to have a LOT of commitments before they'll commit to a date - this is proving something of a challenge.. but I will not be daunted by it!

Health & Fitness - Mental & Physical:

  • Drink my 3 liters of water a day (and stop complaining that I don't like how it tastes! LOL) UPDATE: Didn't do this for 5 of the 7 days. Not even close. Gotta step it up week 2.

  • Integrate One 15k each week IN ADDITION to the daily 10ks... cut time by 30-seconds/mile UPDATE: Got some less than stellar news on Friday and I've fallen off the wagon. Will get back on it again tomorrow. No, scratch that... I'll do it today.

  • Restart Physical Therapy for my jaw - increase opening from 24mm to 28mm by end of 30days UPDATE: Scheduled. First opening isn't for 2 weeks though. In the interim, doing home exercises.

  • 1 hour of dance EVERY day UPDATE: DID THIS!! :) SO.MUCH.FUN!!!

  • Do squats for 30 minutes every day while watching "How I Met Your Mother" UPDATE: Traveling, haven't watched it - but have done 30min of squats each day. I'm sore.

  • Start friends Bible study with A (and maybe Julie?) UPDATE: A & I are underway! :) If anyone else is interested in the Girl Friends Bible Study, hit me up and I'll send you the info. It's kinda nice, really. It's been over 10 months since I've done this with fastidious regularity; didn't realize how much I missed doing my daily bible studies.

  • 5:30 am workouts 3 days a week with Heather UPDATE: Yeah, not so much. Sorry, Heather - I'm in town this week... wanna go for it? Tues. Thurs. Sat.??

  • Read 3 books a week - but make sure one is just for fun and one is for general learning & one is for business (rather than ALL on business). UPDATE: Done! Unmarketing, How to Self-Destruct: Making the Least of What's Left of Your Career, and BossyPants. Traveling made this one easy. I recommend all three heartily. Started: The Help (fun), The Social Animal (business category), and Girl Wars (parenting: general category) this week.


  • Register for remaining conferences for 2011. UPDATE: Almost done - have 3 more to register for: Blogher 2011, HRTech, & HRSouthwest. Oh, and Radical Toronto - guess that's 4!

  • Solidify Q3 Social Media Plan & Strategies for TxMQ & Clients. Write proposal for same. UPDATE: The plan is about halfway done... should have it completely laid out on my iPad by Thurs. this upcoming week.

  • Work with Lisa on her Q3 & Q4 professional plan. Update: Starting this Tues.

  • Revisit 2011 business plan strategies for Q3 & Q4. UPDATE: Done.

  • Gain commitment to bi-weekly trainings for team & write schedule. UPDATE: Broached subject; but haven't done much else with it other than get our current training materials to revamp.

  • Finish new BD opp presentation for potential RPO client. UPDATE: Done! :)

  • Restart video blogging for work. Commit to 1/week UPDATE: Did one this week, but didn't like it. Might redo today. But, got it all set up!

  • Identify a potential Jr. BD person for DFW. UPDATE: Done, in a totally unexpected way, too! Really intrigued by how this all came about and looking forward to seeing what comes of it.

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