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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

This (Me), That (Dating), & The Other (New Year's Resolutions)

Man, I loved that Sienfeld Episode... it's such a perfect phrase, really: "This, that.. and the other." You know, the one where Jerry and Elaine try to have it all? Here's the thing, though - in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... you really CAN'T have it all (as they found out).. you have to pick a path in order to be happy.
I was thinking about this today in relation to a guy I'm getting to know. I could take you through a lot of crazy backstory, but the net net is that this guy doesn't know what he wants yet... so, he's still trying to have everything. He'd like to have me, but I don't think he really knows if I'm what he wants. And for some reason (can't imagine why), I find that terribly unappealing. I respect it, but I know what I want - and it's not someone who's trying to have this, that and some other thing yet undefined.

This: I have joked many times about having it all. Of course, I know I -don't.- So, maybe what I mean is that in life, I have enough. If I never had more than I do today; when I was 50 years old, I wouldn't be wondering if I had the guts to get in the car. I not only got in it, I drove it. I've done more in many areas than I ever DREAMED to. I've been married, I've experienced love, I've had kids, I've known success and defeat. I'm seriously happy with what I've accomplished and who I am. Sure, there's stuff I'd like to improve upon, but that's why we have goals, aspirations. If there were nothing to aspire to in life, it would be a little dull indeed, would it not?

That: With that in mind, I think I'm rethinking on who I want to date. For awhile now, I've been fixated with people who were at 'my station.' I know, that sounds terribly snobby, and to a degree it is. I don't just mean socio-economically, though. I mean, in life experiences, how far along they are in their career, similarities of faith, and yes... gotta be kinda cute. ;) Here's the deal, though: I've noticed (especially with the men who have children, believe it or not) that the men I've met have by and large been either terribly insecure or overly discriminate given their lot in life. Hey, it's cool to know what you want in life and really, I'm totally fine if that's not me - but, a little bit of realism would probably help a lot of these guys out.
Just yesterday I had a conversation with a man that seriously? Is adorable. He's every Mom's dream for her daughter. At least on the surface. But he is a B.E.T.A.B.O.Y. through and through. I nailed that one on our second 'date,' and gracefully bowed out (good to know when you're not going to win). We've talked since and yesterday, he was whindering (it's a little cross between wondering and whining) about why he couldn't find a woman who would see him for who he really was. I asked the question, "What if they ARE seeing you for you really are and it is you that is suffering from delusions?"
Just a paradigm shift.. but, for many of us, it happens all the time in the other direction. We judge ourselves too harshly, sure that someone won't give us the time of day - so, we don't ever take the leap. Realism works both ways. Just as you need to know that the sun does not rise and set in your pants, that you are not the center of the universe and everything; you need to know you're worth something, too. Until you believe in your self-worth and know what you have to offer; you won't know how to work that angle and so it's likely the people that you want won't see it, either.

The Other: So, as people set the obligatory resolutions to join a gym, lose weight, spend less, save more, drink less hard alcohol, drink more wine, and be a better person.. maybe we should think about making resolutions to see each other and ourselves for who we really are and recognize the potential we have to improve the lives of others. I know for me, it's the only resolution I'm making - because really, who keeps all of those other ones, anyway?? :D
Whatever your resolutions are, or how you see yourself... I hope you have a fantastic time tomorrow night and a wonderful new year!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Myspace Migration: Times They Are A' Changing

So, on Christmas Eve, my Mother and I had to go to Target to pick something up (I forget what now, but it was terribly important at the time, ha!). While we were there, we ran into an old neighbor from the home I grew up in. She was a lovely lady; indeed, we had a lovely little neighborhood. As with most children - well, people in general, really - I believed that we had the best street. Everyone knew everyone, we all played together while our parents stood outside in driveways chatting for what felt like hours on end. We had block parties regularly where we'd play until the blackness of "late night" had set in and we could no longer see past the end of our noses; our parents, swimming in Kevin and Jay's parents pool (well, My Mom - my Dad doesn't get wet - he says he's a lizard). It was great times.
My entire life I longed to grow up and have a neighborhood just.like.that. One that was 'my neighborhood' and 'my street' - like LaQuinta was my Parents. I came to find out that this is more elusive than one might think. For a long time, I thought it was just times changing; a shift in generational priorities. To some extent, this is probably true - but maybe not in the blanket way I thought. I had always thought that we were just, as a grown generation, not interested in forming the relationships that our Parents formed with their neighbors. I was talking with my Father about it yesterday - my Parents formed the relationships they had through commonality. A commonality to which the degree is, perhaps, lacking given the 'grown-up' presence of 4 distinct generations - something that has not been present in the last 100 years.
Think about it - who were the people that made up your neighbors when you were growing up? For us, we had 2 sets of 'grandparents,' but everyone else was of my Parents age and generation. I think all but 2 more occupants of homes on our street had children. Most of whom were within a 5 year range of my brother and I (who have a four year age-span). So, out of the 30-some odd homes that were on our horseshoe shaped street, at least 26 homeowners were of the same generation, in roughly the same financial situation (at least the same social class - middle), with children.
Lots of common ground. The same parenting issues, the same teachers/schools to cheer, gripe about, be involved in, the same struggles with which to help one another overcome. Do we have that now? Again, I think not to the same degree. In my nieghborhood, we have a majority of "families with children" as occupants, to be sure. However, we also have a large amount of retirees and younger singles-/newlyweds who are working professionals without children - attracted by the lifestyle that our neighborhood offers through it's many amenities. I have occupied 3 homes in this neighborhood over the past 5 years (I know, I'm practically nomadic, but there were good reasons for all). On the first street, there were TWO other children on my street for my kiddos to play with. Most of my neighbors were much older than I; two were barely out of college and there were 4 that I actually NEVER saw outside of their home, so I couldn't tell you anything about them. I was very disappointed, to say the least, as I moved to the neighborhood hoping to capture for my kids what my parents provided for me.
The second street was somewhat better - there were 6 kids on that street of 50-ish homes that my kids knew and could play with. More who didn't have kids yet or were in the process of just starting their family. Even still, it seemed as though people knew the four or five houses on either side of them; creating 'mini-blocks' of people you could get to know and count on. Better. When we moved to Craig Ranch, that all disappeared. We knew 3 of the neighbors on my block - and none of the parents would let their children out to play unattended. Part of this was due to the fact that there was an honest-to-goodness sexual predator in the neighborhood; still there purportedly out of grandfathering prior to the school being built. Even still, it didn't feel like a neighborhood AT.ALL and I was glad when we moved back to Aubrey.
This last street has the most potential, I think, for capturing a glimpse of what we had growing up, but again, in that 'mini' mode. My daughters have good friends on the street, I LOVE the neighbors a couple of doors down and there is a neighborhood get together every Saturday where they drink wine and play cards - generally visit and enjoy each other. Many of the inhabitants of my block are around the same age; our children go to the same schools, we deal with the same HOA issues and all of our homes are within about 60k of each other. Most of the homes are dual-working, and all the kids that my girls know have similar extra-curricular activities. It's a similar environment, but it's not quite the same. Am I the only one that's noticed this, or does it seem like for one reason or another like there has been a change? Do you think it's the merging of the four generations?

Friday, December 26, 2008

Myspace Migration: I Want Your Text

... so, my family is, at this moment, debating the merits of texting. Why do people text? This is coming up because I've exchanged around 200 text messages in the last few days, all with my best friend and one other person. Dad doesn't get it - "Why not just call each other?" he asks. My Dad maintains that it's a sub-culture that exists for gen X and Y to keep people Baby Boomer generation and older out of the loop. Nerd.

My brother said it's better than having a phone conversation - I think my 'bff' (that was the buzzword of the week with my kids btw, lol) would agree with this?? He doesn't want the commitment of the phone call, he can just say a statement and keep it on track. You can text anywhere; you don't have to be decent (or for some, sober).

There are, of course, medical reasons - cerebral palsy, speech impediments, accents - ok, I get ALL of those. Here's how texting tends to work in my life. I have one friend that does it because she HATES talking on the phone. There's others that do it/have done it to let me know I'm on their mind (not going to lie, I'm ok with that ). Sometimes, it's just more convenient due to what's going on around me - in a meeting, so I have the kids text me or something like that. I often will text with people when they're out of town because they don't want to completely leave their fam/friends/whomever to talk on the phone. My favorite? Is at the club. I have hearing loss, so I can't hear for spit when I'm in a club/crowded place. So, I have a tendancy to text rather than try to shout it out. Also great when you're sick and live in a multi-story home.

Here's where I start to get a little lost on texting - when your entire relationship seems to center around the cell phone text. I guess online via email is a similar phenomenon. One should not have serious discussions via text. First declarations of love, major arguments, reconciliations, and goodness forgive break-ups... not text discussions. There are things that deserve face-to-face conversations. It's a respect thing for the person with whom you are in (or were in) a relationship with. I've also noticed a phenomenon where people in my life seem to be a little braver with both me (and others) via text.. saying things they wouldn't say face-to-face. Only thing that makes that better is if they add "jk lol" after it. (1)

And what about the safety issue of it? There are a lot of cities that are now banning texting from school zones. You know what I have to say about that? It's about freaking time. Seriously, we have ZERO business texting while driving down the road. I don't like it. I get it at red lights, but driving down the road? I'm challenged enough without having to figure out how to watch the road, steer and focus on the tiny letters on my blackjack. :/ Is there a voice-to-text application - that'd be safer, if you were using a bluetooth.

On the funny side, when do you think that texting will replace 1900 numbers? Someone mentioned today they received an email from an 817 phone number. Ok, so you can text-to-email ludeness, why not just replace phone sex with text sex? Then men in Brooklyn won't have to pretend that they're women from South Carolina while talking to some strange dude in Boise for $3.99 per minute about their 'love machines.' But, were you to engage in such behaviors of debauchery, I would strongly suggest you clean out your text folders prior to someone else seeing them. I have a neighbor who handed me her phone once so I could go through her texts to get this pic someone had sent from our kids' school. What I ended up finding was (I hope) her husband's private parts, in XXX form. When I recoiled, she laughed and said she traded pics with all sorts of people (we'll not discuss the inappropriateness of that, as it falls under the category of 'to each their own'). In sinstances like that, I think your phone should come with a warning label like:

However you use it, or don't, clearly text isn't going anywhere anytime soon. But I'm hoping it doesn't replace the phone call, either... I kind of like hearing voices just as much (well, more) than reading words. ;)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Myspace Migration: Ramblings from the Sinus Stricken

Ah, I think I should start with the last part and work forward. I'm in love. Seriously, it's wonderful. My new beau? Tylenol. Tylenol Sinus, to be exact. Good gracious, there was actually swooshing going on in my head and ears that sounded like rapids when I woke up. I felt hopeless; but, then Tylenol swooped in and saved me. I still don't feel stellar, but at least I'm kinda functional. :) Functional meaning I am sitting up and I can take Bev to go get her car without fear of passing out - because evidently, they don't deliver it. :)

I had So.Much.Fun this weekend. Not that this is unusual, but it was grown-up, calm fun. Well, Saturday on was. Friday I acted like a teen and played Guitar Hero all night with Ryan. :) Saw some great Christmas decorations, some even greater houses, and found out that yes, I am still lousy at darts. Unlike bowling, where one day I woke up and realize if I just applied some simple geometry, my average would go up from 68 to something substantially better (130-ish, by the way). Anyway, got to go to what is fast becoming one of my favorite haunts - or at least, strongly preferred - and had outstanding company while doing it.

So, this guy I had been talking to totally made me laugh. We dated for a brief moment like 4 years ago. We talk now and again; he's a great guy and I'm glad he's my friend. We were talking about types of girls... you know how it goes - there's the fun girl, the bombshell you just feel lucky to be with, the friend type, and then there's me. I'm -evidently- the 'grown-up' girl - the one you date when you decide you're done randomly dating. Hmm. Not sure I would have classified myself that way. Is he right?

Maybe he is? I guess I am kind of living a 'grown-up' life. I work, raise kids, secretly read books and magazines on how to fix up my house, and feel like I've had an exciting evening when I spend a night at the museum (which I never seem to have time to do anymore), or go grab a glass of wine at Lochrann's. But, is that so bad? Seriously? But 'grown up relationship?' Still kinda feels like a slap. LOL Can I visit the 'fun girl' room?? LOL *Sniffle* Might be time for another fling with tylenol.

So, I have a business idea that really is brill - it's not new, but it's brilliant. I see all the off-shoots of it, but I feel a little bad because it might border on morbid? we'll see....

In another note of randomness, I'm watching PS I love You - totally am not a romance movie kind of girl, but there are some kick arse sarcastic lines in this one. For example:

"I have a social disorder. I don't have a filter, I just say whatever pops into my head."

"You're rude?"

"Yeah, but now I can call it a disease and they make pills for it."

"They make pills for rudeness?"

"Yeah, I know, right? They can make a pill to keep me from being rude, but they can't figure out the middle east. Go figure..."

Brilliant. And now I must go fix my hair and wake up my kid. And oh yeah, kiss up to my new beau. ;) I need to get back into the swing of writing, so maybe the next one will be better.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Myspace Migration: Pushing Paper in Politics, Reverse Racism, & Of Course, The Economy

Pretty much everything that's a) not paying my bills, b) holding my heart (talking about my girls - my youngest turns 10 on Thursday!!), or c) attracting my interest (and yes, that would be a half-hearted stab at boys/boy toys, lol)....
There's a push in local governments (actually, it's a nationwide thing, but it's done on the county level) to encourage voters not to use the computerized ballots; instead, pushing paper ballots to ensure accuracy. While this totally reminds me of the Robin Williams movie, Man of the Year; it also doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to me given the 2004 debaucle. I don't think the issue there was electronic voting, was it? And it still managed to get screwed up - so, I don't think I agree that the electronic voting machines are 'compromising the sacrosanctity of the American Voting System' (As was suggested sometime this weekend by someone on CNN- or one of those news channels).
Use whatever method you want - just get out there and make your voice heard. Going with my 'drama queen/energy vampire' blog from earlier; if you don't engage, you lose the right to complain when you don't like what happens next.
Speaking of voting, I can't shake the vomiticious feeling I get each time I think about the people that are voting for Obama simply because he's an African-American. Voting for the 'electrifying shockwave' that will come from the history-making placement of a black person to that office. Let me say, while I agree it's a positive testament to where our Country has advanced to that we could do that - it's still feeling like a form of reverse racism to me when that card is played. Voting for Obama because he's black, or McCain because he's got the 1st female VP... it's no different than not voting for them for the same reason. If someone told you they wouldn't vote for Obama because of his race, or McCain due to Palin's gender - you'd be incensed, and rightly so. Because things over which we have absolutely no control should not be a factor in something as sacrosanct (proper usage of that word there) being the leader of one of the most powerful Nations in the world. Any political office, really - I think we've, as a society, trivialized the importance of what they're doing. It's a governing position - government? Leadership? The people we vote into office need to know.what.they're.doing - because we? Often don't. Your race and your gender will not, should not, qualify you alone. So why does it come up?
Tomorrow is the anniversary of Black Monday - the market crash of 1987. It will be interesting to see what it does and how the market reacts to some of the news we've had since closing Friday. We are clearly in a recession in some parts of the Country, if not the Country in whole. There's no denying that - and it kind of makes me think of the candidates in play for President. I REALLY am concerned about McCain's strategy for balancing the budget - even if he does manage to figure out how to balance what could be as much as a Trillion.Dollar.Deficit, he won't be able to do it without massively compromising the Treasury, will he? How do you lower taxes, or make strategic tax cuts, without reducing the amount of money coming into the treasury? If we're going to balance the budget - won't the Treasury need more, not less? So, maybe you ... do what? What can you do that won't ultimately devalue the dollar??
Thoughts? Care to share your own concerns about politics or the economy? As always, you're welcome to post a comment here or send me a message. :) Now I'm going to log off and contemplate narcisism. Night!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Myspace Migration: Dirty Little Secrets

Who has to know?? :) I really don't know why that song is so totally stuck in my head, but it's workin' for me... how about you??

My dirty little secret? Is a word... specifically, THE word: Fabulosity. And, I must say, I'm terribly disappointed and disillusioned to find out that Kimora Lee Simmons totally STOLE MY WORD! LOL - ok, I'm just kidding; well, about that being my dirty little secret anyway. But I'm serious about how that was my word and I was totally crushed when Bev told me that she has been using it. And, as it turns out, my eldest knew that, too. She is a fan of the 'Kimora Lee Simmons show: Life in the Fab Lane' - fortunately, I can say that I didn't get her hooked on it. Because everyone knows me that I? Am decidedly NOT a fashionista. But, sure as can be, she has me watch it with her today and KLS (who is totally a living, taaaalll barbie doll) not only uses my word, but makes it a perfume. So, now I'm on the hunt for a new word. :p

So, here's my REAL dirty little secret: I have been violated by POF. Seriously, unabashedly, really violated. This guy that has been emailing me since the day I joined called me to talk. No big deal, right? It wasn't at that point, but... then... he, um, self-serviced while talking with me. Now, he didn't come out and SAY what he was doing and no, I was not channeling the chick from Debbie does Dallas over the phone. I noticed while we were having a perfectly normal conversation that he was breathing rather heavily - ok, he's working out, I thought... no big deal, right? Then, he asks me if I was a cheerleader in High School (did I mention I'm 30 and high school was like 14 years go???)... Correction, he TOLD me I was a cheerleader in high school and kind of whimpered? At that point, I figured it out and was totally.utterly.disgusted. I jumped off the phone as quickly as possible and had to take a shower - 'cause his dirty little secret's filth was rubbing off on me. Ew!

I decided to make a quick list of other dirty little secrets that need to be scrubbed clean:

1) It is generally not cool to save a Low Fat bottle of salad dressing and refill it with dressing bought at the Cheescake Factory - simply being in a 'low-fat' package does NOT make it good for you. (nor for me, when I unwittingly eat it! You know who you are, lol - I love you, but was totally cheesed when I discovered that and it totally jacked up my eating plan for the day, lol)

2) So, the babybel, individually wrapped cheese rounds? That red stuff they're in? That's wax. Don't eat it. :) (That Secret? Is mine - I am a total goob, but I didn't know.. really until they started with the commercials recently, and now I totally understand why that cheese made me sick all that time ago!!! LOL - In all fairness, I -WAS- Eight & at my Uncle's Funeral; but still... it made me sick enough I didn't touch it again until recently.)

3) "Friends with Benefits" - if you're into that kind of thing - means you're actually friends outside of the sheet wrestling. If the only thing you do together happens in the bedroom... you? Are that person's dirty little secret - and that? Is called 'booty calling,' I think.

4) Speaking of booties, Kim Kardashian just used hers to 'booty strike' a guy in her self-defense class. And that? Is my dirty little secret... My daughter now has me hooked on Keeping up with the Kardashians and Life in the Fab Lane (if for no other reason than they're both train wrecks, but seriously? I might need to talk to her Dad about her weekend TV choices??). Maybe we can just generalize my 'Dirty Little Secret' to E!Style Channel, all the way around - because I'm fairly certain that while the channel may make me really pretty , it's not so much about making me a better person. LOL

Yeah, I know.. my 'dirty little secrets' aren't that dirty after all... but, what can I say? The dirtiest thing in my house is probably the laundry; speaking of which, I need to go do it. If you want to read more juicy secrets, check out this page - it's an ongoing community project called PostSecret. Have a great Saturday!!

Next blog, I'm going to touch politics - and maybe dating and politics?? Let's see if I can make the two work together well.. LOL Stay tuned!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Myspace Migration: It's Just a State of Mind

Ooooooh, this is too much fun! I had totally started writing a different thread, but then I got this:
I'm [Name] and it's my sincere honor to meet you. I realize you are way out of my league but my observation about you and your profile is that you are absolutely amazing. Everything I read and the pictures I saw lead me to believe that you need to change nothing. I know you think you do and are working hard to do so but in my opinuion you are exactly perfect the way you and and if other's don't think so to hell with them. You are amazing and I don't know why you are even on this site. You must have men lined up to meet you. We actually have a LOT in common but I hope the man you do choose realizes what a special gift God has blessed him with in you. I hope you and your daughters have a GREAT Labor Day weekend.
Guess who it is? Come on... take a wild stab at it. It's the 'shoplifting the pooty' guy from yesterday!! Ahhahahahaahahaha!!! Am I evil for wanting to have fun with this one?? What happened to the aversion to kids? Hmmm.....
On a more serious note, I got an email from a guy asking how he could get a gal to 'reel him in' on the dating site. I'm going to be addressing this later from a 'what not to wear' type standpoint with some of the emails, conversations, and profiles that I've received from POF. A couple are QUITE humorous, so stay tuned!
And let me know... should I play with this guy or take the high road and ignore it????

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Myspace Migration: PSA or PSJ (Pathetic Self-Justification)??? You Decide....

So, a friend of mine actually called me to go look at this guy's profile. "Tell me what you honesly think" she says. I look, expecting to see some kind of troll. I was kind of suprised when a really attractive man pops up on the page. Read his profile and he kind of sounds like a normal guy, kind of a 'man's man' (ladies, most of you will know that that means). Actually, he sounds like someone she should just all over, and then I get to... this:

~ADDITIONAL NOTE~ To the ladies with young(er) kids. If a guy dates you and you have young kids and he is now no longer dating you he wanted one thing and only one thing and after he got it he is no longer dating you. Watch Jerry McGuire because he too was shoplifting the pu$$y. Now when a guy says he won't date you because you have young kids (like me) it's because he am serious about finding someone to marry but not raise your kids. Huge difference between those two types of guys. Just food for thought.

Um, ok... was this his PSA for Single Moms? To me, who has never really had a problem with finding a cornucopia of men to date who really could care less about the fact that I have children (and given the fact that I've been divorced for 5 years, at one time it was 'young(er) children')... I kind of think this is mostly bunk. To me, it seems like more of a pathetic attempt to justify the fact HE personally doesn't want to date women with children younger than his own (17), so he delivers it in a manner he thinks would be more safe by generalizing it.

Why do I think it's bunk? Because I know a LOT of single moms, and to date I've not met but one of them over the years that were looking for a replacement Daddy. And yeah, she was a piece of work, but really? How different is that from the guy that's just looking for Barbie to wear on his arm at social functions or a Samantha to screw around with? Most of the women I know and have known with Single Kids have a "I'm Good.. I've Got It.. I Don't Need Your Help, Just Your Companionship" kind of an attitude. Our children have parents already, we don't need help raising them. We don't WANT help raising them - heck, I've had pretty in-depth conversations with them men I've had relationships with about how it's probably going to be a little challenging to be in our lives and not have a say about how they're raised (barring things like a say-so in the rules of the house in the event we do get married). Why? Because they're not the Parent. I am. My ex-husband is. And there need be only two.

But, that's my thought - and my experience is limited to the parent side of things... what are yours? Does this guy have cause to be concerned? Is it really a PSA or a PSJ he was sending out to Single Moms Reading His Profile Everywhere? And does it really take more than 2 parents??

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Myspace Migration: So, here it is... Week 2 of POF and other stuff about Men

Emails: 402

New guys conversing with: a couple of interesting ones and a couple of crazies and one or two that are just plain sad

This has been a really hectic week with POF. There was a guy that I was talking to, but now I'm not. He really kind of creeped me out - too mushy, too fast. Started out really nice and normal, but ... yeah. Not so much.

Next we're going to move onto the guy who tried to guilt-trip me into communication by giving me a hard time because I didn't respond to his very tempting original email of "You're pretty; I didn't read your profile." Now, really, what girl wouldn't want to respond to that??? So, after a few days, he sends another pulitzer prize winner of 'Never Mind.' What the hell?! So, I ask him what exactly he was trying to aim at there. I'm going to share his response, and mine back...

His Response: "thought you was nice looking,i firgured a thank you would be your responce.thats where real beauty is inside a person.even if you wasnt interested you could have said something.dont feel bad 90 percent of the women in here dont respond.such shallow women.i know i am fat and even ugly.i am still human."

My response back: Ok, there are some serious self-esteem issues. The reason I didn't respond was:

a) your whole message was incredibly shallow (speaking of such). You even SAID you didn't read my profile - so, what exactly would make me want to contact you?

b) when I actually took the time to go look at your profile (again, a courtesy you didn't even bother to afford me) there was NOTHING about you. At all. Not exactly a big motivator to send a message. Your appearance had absolutely nothing to do with it.

c) Not that I think I'm all that, because I'm certainly not, but even still - I've received over 400 messages in the last two weeks. While I wish I could respond to everyone, I can't. I don't have time - I can't even respond to everyone who has a genuine interest in ME, rather than just my 'good looking' exterior, as you put it... the only reason I even responded was to kind of make a point that it was a really dumb email to send... it reeks of insecurity, which even if you do get the desired response of an email back, it's not going to be one that you really want .. it's going to be a 'what the heck?' kind of a thing.

I don't feel bad about not responding - that's like saying you're obligated to talk to a telemarketer simply because you had a phone... I didn't ask you to write me. You took a chance, and that's admirable, I guess... but it doesn't obligate me to a response. The people who are interested in pursuing you further? In returning your initial interest? Will respond back. Those who aren't and therefore don't? Are not necessarily shallow - they're just not interested. Hopefully there is something in this you can glean from and make adjustments to your tactics accordingly, so that you can have more success with someone else in the future. Good day.

So.... am I wrong? Are you obligated to a response simply because someone writes to you? And yes, I do know I kinda went overboard with the response, but I had a headache, which made me a little grumpy... :/ Anyway...

Speaking of, I received another email from an old boyfriend. Think like .. high school old. He got my number several months ago after his cop buddy looked it up - we're just not going to touch that right now. LOL Anyway, he has mentioned a time or two that he would be interested in getting to know me... on a more romantic level. We're not on the same page - we're really not in the same place in life and I'm just not a girl anymore - I'm looking for something a little more... realistic? I don't know... Anyway, so I get another declarative email on Saturday. This wouldn't be any kind of a deal excepting for two things: 1) I've pretty solidly rebuffed those kinds of advances, in a friendly way; and 2) I'm pretty sure he has been dating someone on my friends list?? Not that it's necessarily serious, or that I really care, but I have to ask... is it cool to do that? I mean, it's not like I have 700 friends or anything like that.. I kinda know the person he has been 'talking with.' It's .. awkward to know that and then get another email from him AFTER talking briefly with her about him. But again, maybe it's just me? Is it wierd, or socially acceptable, for an old boyfriend to kind of date someone on your Myspace Friends list while potentially trying to date you??

I think that's all - just writing that out kinda made my temple throb again! Might be time to go find some Excedrin.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Myspace Migration: Give a Girl a Fish

... and you'll feed her for a day. Give her a place to go fish, and she might just turn up plenty. But, a girl's gotta ask... can you pass 'plenty of fish' and move into 'too many fish??'

Week one of being a 'Plenty of Fish' member. In one week, I've now received around 189 emails from over 100 different men. Some have been intruiging, some have been entertaining, and some have been 'excuse me?' worthy. I have met a couple of the people on there, just because they work near me and we were able to set up a daytime thing. There are a couple of guys that I'm looking forward to meeting, because they seem really great. There are about 80 emails I haven't even been able to really get to yet. So, there's my progress thus far. Here's what I've learned about me so far (because it is, after all, all about me! LOL):

1. I am uncomfortable with the people who knew me from other places contacting me through that site. It just seems wierd to me, I think? I don't know, I guess I feel lik eif I haven't 'taken the bait' in other arenas, I'm not likely to be 'your fish.' (Man, I'm milking this metaphor for all it's worth, aren't I?) Continuing to push it feels semi-stalkerish.

2. I prefer the positive profiles as opposed to the negative ones. While that sounds like a 'duh' kind of thing, hear me out. You have this area to tell people about yourself, and what you're looking for. I prefer the men who spend that area telling me about them, instead of all the stuff that don't want, don't like and the dozen or so requirements, rods, and reels you'll need to be able to sufficiently 'bait' your hook. On that note, there was one guy who sent me an email just this morning - his email said, "If you like what you see in my profile, write back." Ok, normal enough. Well, when I go to his profile, there's this whole diatrible about how rude you are if you don't respond. He actually started out with that, and then referenced it a few more times throughout. That alone? Made me not want to talk to him.

I LOVE the profiles that are more than 3 sentences long and give me some kind of a sense about who I'm emailing before I write them. It's great when you tell me about your interests, your job, your viewpoints, and/or your family. There are also some that have music on them - that's pretty cool, too!

a. Not so sound like I'm on some Diva-trip, but it's not possible to email every person back. And I'm certain, beyond all shadow of a doubt, that I'm not the most popular person on there. And honestly, I don't think there should be anything that obligates me to spend 60 seconds on each email that I receive saying, "Hey, your profile sounds great, but you're not for me. Thanks!" Or is this the standard ettiquite and I've missed the boat? I know I don't expect for every guy I email (well, I have really only emailed one or two, but still..) to email me back.

3. It seems like I get three kinds of responses:
a. "I like what you had to say in your profile" - These guys typically make some reference to something I've said in my profile and -usually- some kind of comment about how they read the whole thing and boy, it was long! LOL These are the guys that I typically like to respond to the most, because it -hopefully- means that they've connected with something about ME, not just one of the pictures on my profile.

b. But, then there are the guys who just put something like 'You're pretty' or 'You're hot' (to which I ALWAYS, every single time, laugh) or something about my appearance and then "Write me back." For me to write those guys back is a pretty rare thing, because half the time I don't think they've even READ my profile (based on the questions of the majority of those that I did go ahead and respond back to, the answers for which were IN my profile) .. so, they're just contacting me on my appearance alone. For some reason, in my mind that equates to a level of shallowness that I find terribly unappealing. It's probably unfair, but it seems like that's pretty much been what I've thought each time that I've read one of those emails. While men may very well be visual, the age of those that I'm dealing with (men in their 30s and 40s) are old enough that they should know that is not how women connect. That being said, it's not the kiss of death or anything, it's just not winning any major brownie points or seperating them out from their competition. (1)

c. Then there are the guys that sell themselves through their first contact. My favorite funny one so far is "Hey, baby, you should hit me back because I can make your earth Moooove. I've got a good job, a kickin' car, and a nice ass." Well, Gee, what else could a girl ask for! No, in all seriousness, I don't mind those at all - if they're obnoxious, or clearly not compatible, I just don't answer.

So there you have it; my insights on the first week. In the next week, I'll post more about the happenings at 'first meetings.' I am enjoying meeting new people.. still pretty casual about the whole dating thing in general. If only you could start at the 4th date, lol... I find I am still a little hestitant to set up the first date. I think it's because of the 'b' guys - I'm not sure what they've built me up to be in their head; and at the end of the day, while I'm pretty happy with who I am overall, rejection? Still kind of sucks - so if they've built me up to be more than I am, and there's disappointed in what I personally think is pretty fabulous (2), then it's kind of frustrating. I guess, at the end of the day, I figure I've got to get over it and set things up because when I'm looking back on my life 50 years from now, I want to be able to say I had the guts to get in the car. (3) I have found with the couple of people I've managed to fit into my schedule - largely because they work near me - I still don't get nervous on 'first dates.' It almost seems like a contradiction to me - I'm nervous before I meet them, but am sort of blase' when I do. Go figure...

(1) I'm also a little wierded out when people get too intimate in their conversation too quickly... and these guys tend to be the ones that do it. I'm not talking about asking/talking about sex as much as I am talking about terms of endearment or being overly clingy within the first two hours of emailing back and forth. I have a name that most of the time, I'm pretty much ok with. And last I checked, it wasn't 'Babe,' 'Sugar,' 'Honey,' 'Sweetie,' or 'Pet.' This may be coming off as overly feminist in nature, and I don't mean it that way. It's not like it's going to get you thrown off the island or anything, but it does give me the heebe-jeebies. In movies, there's a thing called 'color blocking' whereby they dress corresponding characters (the romantic couples, for example) in shades of the same color or complimenting colors. It's a subconscious visual thing. In business, they say you should match the body-language of your clients/audience/etc... it puts them at relative ease. I think the same is true with terms of endearment; toss it out there if you like, it's no big deal.... but, if the person you're calling 'sweet lips' doesn't catch it and throw you back a 'sugar buns' then maybe you should hold off for awhile and try again later? To me, it feels a little bit rushed and clingy to come up with pet names/use terms of endearment before you've even met. Might just be me, though...

(2) come on, you know I am! LOL

(3) what can I say? I love the movie Transformers and it's on right now - too good to pass up!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Myspace Migration: I Like the Nightlife; I Like to Boogie

Ok, I can't even get past the first sentence - I'm still giggling about the title. As is probably anyone that knows me remotely well. Many things I am, a 'club girl?' Not so much one of them. But still, now and again, I'll get a little girly looking and go out with my friends. Like I did this past Saturday night.

We went to a club called Sting. Large place, and actually, as far as clubs go... it was pretty nice. There were 4 main rooms, each with a different feel. The front room was more for dancing: there was a bar and a ginormous video screen playing videos with scantily clad women moving in ways that flaunt flexibility that many of us will only dream about obtaining. A DJ was in this little cave in the corner - it was neat. To the left of that room was a billards room. To the right of that room, there was another room with a bar and a more Latin flair. Colorful music filled the room and there were tables - I think I remember my friend telling me that it used to be a restaurant? From that room, you could flow into a room where you had about 1/2" of personal space because that room? Was packed. It was more of a 'glam' look with dance music pumping out of the loudspeakers. This room, btw, was where people were getting checked out hardcore. It's also where the VIP area was, sleek couches with table service. That was actually the only area in the room that wasn't packed inch-to-inch. Still, everyone seemed like they were having a good time, and that was a good thing.

My favorite place in the joint was actually the patio area - and had it not been over 100 degrees even at night, we probably would have been there. It was inviting, and had a more relaxed personality to it. All in all, if you're a club person, you should probably check it out sometime - you'd probably have a lot of fun.

All that being said, I'm not a club girl. It's really loud in clubs! To the point that I had to fall back on reading my friend's lips... :D Also, I might just be a little too conservative to handle the way people 'hook up' in clubs and evidently, I'm too dense to notice when people are checking me out! This might be a self-preservation thing; because, I'm pretty sure if they were looking at me the way they were leering at my friend, I wouldn't be able to do anything but stand there completely beet-red from blushing! Clubs just might be a little too forward for my tastes. But, it's fabulous for people watching... really fantastic people-watching opportunities. From the dress of the people there, to some of the cars they rolled up in, to the way they interacted with each other.. it's a cornucopia of interesting sights to behold. All in all, though, I might be more of a 'hang-out-with-the-neighbors' kind of girl... alternatively, if you find a coffee shop, you'll probably find me!! :D

Moving on, I'm a Fish. More specifically, my gal pal Daphne talked me into joining a site called "Plenty of Fish." I'm not quite sure 'talked me into' is even really the right phrase - might have been more like 'wore me down!' hahaha Anyway, I created a profile; stuck some pictures up and have been a member for a couple of days. Over the weekend, I received 6 pages of emails and ended up on 40ish 'favorites.' Evidently, if you see a profile you like, you can save it to your 'favorites.' Now, I'm not really sure what that does for you, other than might make it easier to find later, but I did notice that the site publicizes how many people picked you to be on their 'favorites.' Interesting. Anyway, it's not costing me anything and I have been introduced to a couple of very interesting guys via POF, so for now, I'm ok with being a Fish. We'll see how it goes. For now? I have to go to work!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Myspace Migration: Just A Little Update

Well, let's start with the obvious, shall we? I turned 30. Big 3-0. Really, wasn't bad, overall. Actually, it was a little quiet... well, REALLY quiet for me! :D I had dinner with my daughters, my Father, and Brother at Central Market (I love that place and the kids can play on the playground; we have a winner, folks). Then, drove to Frisco and had drinks/desserts with Bev and Daphne; we topped the evening off? With Guitar Hero. Seriously, very tame by other birthday's comparisons, all things considered. But, that's fine. I'm happy with where I am in my life, overall, and don't feel the need to have some major bash to give me validation. I do, however, think it's an excellent excuse for new shoes... and maybe some new camis, new jacket, and maybe even a wii-fit, if I can find one.

And speaking of that, I'm in love with my Wii. I am NOT, however, in love with the fitness test on Wii Sports. Let me break something down for you, Nintendo - just because you're clutzy and not exactly athletically inclined outside of tennis (and that's probably even a small stretch and large luck), does NOT mean you have a metabolic age of 63. It just means that you aren't good at sports. My refined self had to really refrain from throwing my controller at my TV - and that was largely just because I don't want to pay to replace it. However, true to Crystal Form, my response was 'Fine.... I'll show you... I'm TRAINING!" And have now committed to spending 30 minutes a day on top of my workout(s) learning to beat the snot out of Wii Sports. THAT'LL show them!

I register the kids for school on Wed. I'm going to have a middle schooler. I'm not quite sure what I think about that, other than I'm thankful it's my eldest because really? She's still snuggly and likes her time with me. I don't exactly know what I'd do if she didn't think I was cool anymore. I'd like to think I'd act fine with it, but I know darn good and well it'll crush me a little bit. My youngest is super psyched about going back to her old school - she's already making plans to rule the playground. Except this year, I think she plans on doing it with backflips and front walkovers. :D Oh yes, my friends, I have a little cheerleader - two, actually. They're having a blast and I'm even learning to deal with it quite well. Maybe I'll luck out, they'll both be great and get scholarships to the not-so-cheap Universities that want to go to.

Dating? Still haven't found what I'm looking for. Any Jewish Mother would be proud of me - I went out with a doctor, a lawyer, and I didn't like either. The first was a closet smoker... I don't really date smokers. I think it's bad for you. And, I don't know... there was just some wierdness there. I'm past the age where I'm going to stick around if my gut says, "This guy might have been on Unsolved Mysteries or just off his meds...." The lawyer? He was nice, just perhaps a tad too controlling. Tip for all single, dating men out there: you do not need to try to tell a girl how to run her life in the first 30- to 60-days. There's a REALLY good chance you don't know enough about her life to really be in charge of it. :D I'd say I'm still looking, but the truth is? I'm not. If it bumps into me, or reintroduces itself... I'd like to think I'd see a good relationship opportunity coming... but, the same old problem applies: who's as busy as I am that they won't mind not seeing me every day? Come on, I know I'm pretty freaking fabulous... it's hard to be without me! (Fine, you don't have to admit it, it's ok.. I already know).

For the first time in a long time, I'm ok with admitting this: I don't want to go to work tomorrow. My brain has been on overload long enough that I feel like a few days off to not to much of anything would be a VERY good thing. However, I'm too busy to take the time off! I'd do what I ALWAYS do - I'd take off the time, and end up working, anyway. Speaking of work, if I don't go to sleep soon, I won't get up for it.

Until then, don't do anything I wouldn't do.. or if you do, take pictures!

Myspace Migration: Just A Little Update

Well, let's start with the obvious, shall we? I turned 30. Big 3-0. Really, wasn't bad, overall. Actually, it was a little quiet... well, REALLY quiet for me! :D I had dinner with my daughters, my Father, and Brother at Central Market (I love that place and the kids can play on the playground; we have a winner, folks). Then, drove to Frisco and had drinks/desserts with Bev and Daphne; we topped the evening off? With Guitar Hero. Seriously, very tame by other birthday's comparisons, all things considered. But, that's fine. I'm happy with where I am in my life, overall, and don't feel the need to have some major bash to give me validation. I do, however, think it's an excellent excuse for new shoes... and maybe some new camis, new jacket, and maybe even a wii-fit, if I can find one.

And speaking of that, I'm in love with my Wii. I am NOT, however, in love with the fitness test on Wii Sports. Let me break something down for you, Nintendo - just because you're clutzy and not exactly athletically inclined outside of tennis (and that's probably even a small stretch and large luck), does NOT mean you have a metabolic age of 63. It just means that you aren't good at sports. My refined self had to really refrain from throwing my controller at my TV - and that was largely just because I don't want to pay to replace it. However, true to Crystal Form, my response was 'Fine.... I'll show you... I'm TRAINING!" And have now committed to spending 30 minutes a day on top of my workout(s) learning to beat the snot out of Wii Sports. THAT'LL show them!

I register the kids for school on Wed. I'm going to have a middle schooler. I'm not quite sure what I think about that, other than I'm thankful it's my eldest because really? She's still snuggly and likes her time with me. I don't exactly know what I'd do if she didn't think I was cool anymore. I'd like to think I'd act fine with it, but I know darn good and well it'll crush me a little bit. My youngest is super psyched about going back to her old school - she's already making plans to rule the playground. Except this year, I think she plans on doing it with backflips and front walkovers. :D Oh yes, my friends, I have a little cheerleader - two, actually. They're having a blast and I'm even learning to deal with it quite well. Maybe I'll luck out, they'll both be great and get scholarships to the not-so-cheap Universities that want to go to.

Dating? Still haven't found what I'm looking for. Any Jewish Mother would be proud of me - I went out with a doctor, a lawyer, and I didn't like either. The first was a closet smoker... I don't really date smokers. I think it's bad for you. And, I don't know... there was just some wierdness there. I'm past the age where I'm going to stick around if my gut says, "This guy might have been on Unsolved Mysteries or just off his meds...." The lawyer? He was nice, just perhaps a tad too controlling. Tip for all single, dating men out there: you do not need to try to tell a girl how to run her life in the first 30- to 60-days. There's a REALLY good chance you don't know enough about her life to really be in charge of it. :D I'd say I'm still looking, but the truth is? I'm not. If it bumps into me, or reintroduces itself... I'd like to think I'd see a good relationship opportunity coming... but, the same old problem applies: who's as busy as I am that they won't mind not seeing me every day? Come on, I know I'm pretty freaking fabulous... it's hard to be without me! (Fine, you don't have to admit it, it's ok.. I already know).

For the first time in a long time, I'm ok with admitting this: I don't want to go to work tomorrow. My brain has been on overload long enough that I feel like a few days off to not to much of anything would be a VERY good thing. However, I'm too busy to take the time off! I'd do what I ALWAYS do - I'd take off the time, and end up working, anyway. Speaking of work, if I don't go to sleep soon, I won't get up for it.

Until then, don't do anything I wouldn't do.. or if you do, take pictures!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Myspace Migration: Random Thoughts From Me

I have the kids for extra time this weekend (yay!). It IS a good thing and I'm very excited to have just been able to spend a weekend with them without work or other interruptions. Lindsey learns how to shave her legs today (hahaha - she's all geeked up about it now, but give her a month... :D).
We watched An American Girl Movie: Kit Kittredge yesterday. It was really a great movie - I'd recommend it to anyone, regardless of their parental status. That probably sounds funny, because it IS definitely a kid's movie. But oh, you can draw some interesting parallels to things that are going on today; and even moreso, it's a pretty decent reality check. The movie is set in the Depression Era and centers around those who were losing their homes, the measures they tooks to keep from becoming 'hobos' or ending up in 'The Poor House.' It showed the 'Hobo Community' and just dealt with a lot of things that we really have lost sight of. I know I had.
I'm worrying about things like my bonuses so I can have a nanny this fall for the kids after school - while they were literally going cross-country to find work. While the movie wasn't real, people really did do that. And people are doing it again - the low reported unemployment is really bunk. That just means there's a lot of people not utilizing Unemployment. There are a lot of people that do not have work right now - or if they do, they're under-employed. I really am grateful to be gainfully employed in a challenging position; even with some of the craziness and the workload! ;)
I have this great house that I'm freaking out about because it's too hot for us upstairs (1) - they showed these two families.... one lost their home after selling eggs in the neighborhood to make ends meet (talk about humbling). The other, the main family, took in boarders (one of their close friends, and several people they didn't know) to try to pay the mortgage. And draw the parallel to now, there are 33+ homes in my neighborhood that have been forclosed on; with more on the way. This little boy came home from school to find all of his family's possessions on the lawn after the sherriff had locked them out. So sad. This is not confined to my neighborhood folks; it's a real problem out there.
But, even with the real problems, it's still a LOT better for us than it was during the Depression. You can't watch that movie without feeling grateful for what you have. It did leave me drawing enough parallels, however, that I do believe we are in a recession, regardless of what the media says.
(1) Thanks to Absolute Air, we will have a zoned system in the next week or two!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Myspace Migration: Your Hourly Rate

I woke up at just before 5am this morning thanks to a fantastic clap of thunder. Purportedly, we will have large hail today - that is, if you believe the Texas weatherpeople and that, in itself, is something of a large gamble. All I can say is that I hope I don't have to pay another $250 deductible to fix hail damage on my car if it DOES choose to hail while I'm at the office (because at home? it's in the garage, baby!).

Anyway, I was reading a blog this morning about how this one chick justifies sending out her laundry rather than doing it and other assorted chores she doesn't want to do. Her justification is the "hourly rate" theory. Under this theory, you look at the following formula:

($ you earn/yr) / ((hrs worked/week) x (no. weeks worked/yr)) = your hourly rate
The thought is you take that rate and use it as the benchmark against things you're looking at spending your time on. Such as, "I'm going to clean my house today; that will take 4 hours. At my hourly rate of "X," it would cost me "Y" worth of my time to clean it. However, if I hire someone, it will be $100 for them to come in and do it, thus I'm actually saving "Z," because it's so much less than what my time is worth.

Ha, haha, hahahaha.... Riiiiight.

Here's my issue with that: this only works if you get paid by the hour or there is some way to ensure you are actually making your "hourly rate" while you're "saving money." Otherwise, you're not saving money - you're still spending it. Sure, it allows you to do fun and fabulous things that you can't do while you're earning your hourly rate...and that sometimes can be worth it. Just don't fool yourself into believing an overinflated hourly rate to allow you to escape from all the "grown-up" responsibilities that we can pay someone else to do. That's why we have kids - child labor is SO much less expensive and we can safely delude ourselves into believe that we're not being lazy, we're teaching them responsibility.

Anyway, if you ARE going to go with this theory of the "hourly rate," here's the correct formula for those who have an annual salary and aren't paid by the hour/paid by project and have an endless supply of work (read: 24/7 earning potential):

($ you earn/yr) / 8760 = Your TRUE hourly "living rate"
Now, using THAT number... are you really saving money by having someone else clean your house or by sending out your laundry?

(ok, so this picture isn't COMPLETELY appropriate, but it's funny and those are people for whom I could see the original formula being applicable - they probably COULD be earning their "hourly rate" while someone was cleaning their house!!)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Myspace Migration: Random Acts of Kindness.. And Then

So, on the way home from the girls we often drive through this town. We've been through it a million times before and I love going through it because I get to see gorgeous houses and drive through Starbucks (1). Today, we drove through Starbucks, and Natalie and I wanted tea. Good for sore throats. :) Anyway, we were behind a black Lexus... which, would not be important at all, except when I went to pay I found out he had already paid for my order! Now that we're set up, there are three things that I'd like to communicate:

1) I instantly wanted to know who had paid for my drink, why they paid for my drink, and did they say they knew me? I'll address this more in a moment, but I'm pretty sure the Starbucks chick thought I was crazy. Heck, -I- almost thought I was crazy.

2) I decided it was a total "Pay it Forward" moment and paid for the latte that the guy behind me had ordered. I totally got the better end of the bargain, at least by the standard of the dollar amount... but, I'd like to fancy that he paid for the car behind him and we went all the way down the line that way. Because I? Am Pollyanna.

3) Picking back up on the first item, I know exactly 2 people that live in that city. One of whom I don't speak to anymore - well, actually, I guess I don't speak to either of them anymore, but one is more like, "I'll talk to her when hell freezes over and Satan brings me ice skates." (2) The other one? For a good long time, I thought he was THE one. If I believed in soulmates, I'd probably think he was mine. We had so much in common, there was a comfort and a feeling that I just hadn't felt with anyone before and I'm pretty sure I haven't felt it with anyone since. And yes, I hope I'm wrong, because that? Would be down right depressing. He was (3) an amazing guy, though, even with the serious flaws in our relationship. But, anyway, for a brief moment there was the flash of, "OH-my-goodness, no. It cannot be - was I behind HIM?" And then I remembered he is not a Lexus guy - or, at least, he wasn't. I guess he could be now, it's been awhile. Sometimes I wonder if I was crazy for ending it - but, when I remembered why I ended it and no, not crazy. Was totally the right thing to do at the time. And even if it wasn't, it's done now, right? Right.

Anyway, I remembered that it was Mother's Day and chalked it up to that... probably some guy who's own Mother was far away and wanted to do something nice for some other Mom - my kids were with me, after all. It was kind of a nice thing to do, huh? I hope everyone had a fabulous Mother's Day!

(1) A girl has to have her priorities...
(2) How's that for Pollyanna? Shut up, I already know I'm a walking contradiction in terms.
(3) I guess, as I'm fairly certain he's not dead, he still -IS- an amazing guy.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Myspace Migration: Back in the Saddle & Off the Wagon

When it comes to my writing, I'm back in the saddle. Thanks to the wonders of Strattera, combined with a 'screw it, I'm GOING to have a life, too' mentality with work right now, I'm writing again. Not only that, I've gotten serious about the finishing and getting published part, and have just sent off a new Proposal, complete with Synopsis, Outline, and Character Developments. I'll let you know what feedback I get back.... I've pretty much combined the other two story-lines into one story. I like it. We'll see if they do, too.

Health-wise, I've fall off the wagon. My kids, lovely little germ monsters, have once again made me sick. Strep. YUUUUCK. And what for them is a sore throat and a general 'I don't feel good,' for me is a painful experience. My throat feels like swollen sandpaper - or, as I like to describe it, "Someone shoved a cup of peanut butter and cinnamon sticks down my throat." I've got my antibiotics, though, and as of 8:23 this evening, I will no longer be contagious. Happy Mother's Day to me!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Myspace Migration: Talk About Random

So, I was having a perfectly lovely, boring evening - emailing my boss back and forth about a couple of different things when the phone rings. I look at the number, and thought, "Oh, this must be the people with the house I'm looking at - they were going to try and call today and update me about their own house search..." (since I've determined I'm moving in June, I've suddenly gotten pretty serious about it). Um, no.

"Hey Crystal, It's [Bob the Builder]. Do you remember me?"

"Um, no. Help me out here."

"We went to high school together, we dated... remember?"

"Ooooooh, yeah, I remember you now. It's been awhile - like a decade or so."

So, we chatted for awhile and then it occured to me - I'm chatting with someone on the phone that I have NOW, that I haven't talked to in 12 years. "Um, [Bob]? Please don't take this the wrong way, but out of curiousity, how did you get my number?"

"Well, don't think this is stalkerish or anything, but I actually got your number from [Tim the Toolman Taylor.] Remember him from high school? (no)Anyway, he's a cop - in drug enforcement - and I had him look up your information."

OoooKay. Is that flattering? Or creepy? Or both? I can't decide. But I know it threw me off slightly that someone who didn't know my married name was calling me on my current work cell. He did let me know that he found out my married name through reunion.com, so I guess that makes a little more sense?

Maybe more about this later; I must go do fabulous things at the office!!!

(1) Can I just say that the comments that came off this blog were WAY more fun than the blog itself?? And that whole thing is just still super creepy... Here's some of the comments though - hello, Prom Memories!:

    • 3 years ago

    Oooooh, who was it, did I know him. We had some of the same friends. Ws he with us at Prom?

    3 years ago
      Crystal Miller

      Well, I was infinitely more cool, that's for certain. :) The picture was taken OF us that night by the guy who didn't want to dance with me because I was too risque (hahahaha) with my dancing (hahahahaha). I found it in a box in your room like a month later.

      You were WAY more fun to hang out with than Mike, but I'm glad you talked me into going with him anyway, because I had a good time with you that night. :D

        3 years ago

        I don't remember the picture. But yes, Sarah and I went to prom and was a frickin' disaster. We had nothing in common and she bugged the crap out of me, so I ditched her with Mike and hung out with you.

          3 years ago
          Crystal Miller

          Didn't you go to prom with Sarah, I went with Micheal, he went with Amy - and then I hung out with you, Amy was with who... I thought Sarah was with him most of the evening? And the big bald guy was ticked that I spent the evening with you and not Micheal -

          Seriously, I didn't know I had memories of ANY of that until ... well... I got that phone call at 10:30 last night. Though I do remember dancing with you and I loved the picture you had.. who took that?

            3 years ago
            Crystal Miller

            Um, yes, yes he was... with Amy, the pantsuit wonder-girl. :)

              3 years ago