Current mood:energetic
Going to start this post early today, because I've!!! I'm excited, today I get to "winter clean" my house. Ok, lest you think I'm some kind of freak, it's not so much that I enjoy the scrubbing of toilets and tubs, I don't - and that's not what I'm doing today, anyway... I like neat. And organized. And I don't feel neat nor organized when I step into my home lately. So, in about 10 minutes (after I throw on some jeans), I'm going to put Roxy in her little travel carrier, and we're going to get some Starbucks. When I get back, I'm throwing out everything that's in the garage. Because, seriously, I've taken it with me on every move since 2000 and I NEVER look at the stuff. I can't need it. It just sits around. So, I'm tossing it!
Then, I'm dealing with the toys. I got all the pre-Christmas toys organized last week, but now we need to find homes for all the new stuff. I want to put a lovesack in the loft and some throw pillows, so I need to find a home for the chairs that are up there. Maybe I'll call Salvation Army today. I've got a gazillion little girl clothes that need to be donated, too. I was going to do this all next week, but I just can't stand it anymore.. so... today. It begins today.
I need to get the yearbook done! My goal was to have it put together before the kids went back to school, but now I'll be happy if we can just get the kids arranged in all their classes.. I realized that we forgot to get the disk we need with all the activities pictures. Whoops!
I can't believe how struck I was by the fact that Gerald Ford died. I wasn't even alive when he was President. In other news, I was kind of cracking up at the fact that the Puget Sound has increased levels of vanilla and cinnamon from all our holiday baking. Check out this article, it was interesting: Holiday Baking Impacts Puget Sound
So, Roxy is really just quite adorable. The kids went over to a friend's to sleep over and she, of course, doesn't know that. She just knows they're not downstairs playing with her and she doesn't like it. So, she keeps going over to the stairs and barking once, then sits down. Waits. Nothing. Comes back to me and leads me to the stairs where she repeats the process. It's soooo cute! She has been a great dog. I'm glad we have her. I hope she's glad we have her after she gets fixed next week!
I purchased some stuff for a fun Champagne Thursday twist: cranberry juice and rasberries to augment the Champagne. It's yumminess! But, it reminds me that New Years is coming up quick... I need to get my plans firmed up! Oh yeah, that reminds me, Bev, please call!! :)
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